Knowing the right type of Compost & Soil for you

Knowing the right type of Compost & Soil for you

When it comes to choosing the right type of Compost and Soil it can be tricky but with this easy guide to follow you will have no trouble picking the right kind for you. 


First things first :

You will need to do your research and find out more about your plants needs, checking the internet, reading books or checking the label on the plant will help you narrow down the next steps. Then you can move on to the type of soil. 


What Compost and soils we recommend :

Top soil

This Soil is rich graded, it can be used for general planting and lawn dressing as well as pots, containers and planters. Contains essential nutrients with excellent aeration and hydration qualities This Soil is also weed free.


Peat Free Organic compost

Organic Peat Free multi-purpose compost . A balanced blend of natural organic matter and vital nutrients which create ideal planting conditions for use all round the garden.


Lawn Repair Soil 

Lawn Repair Soil is to be used in spring and autumn to rejuvenate and repair lawns. The soil is is ideal for levelling and resealing lawns.


Multi Purpose Compost

A modern precision compost created to help retain water and nutrients - ideal for general garden use including containers and hanging baskets. 


Irish Moss Peat

The Irish Moss Peat is produced from top quality Sphagnum Peat, this premium quality product has excellent aeration and moisture retention characteristics.


For Further Information on buying any of these products, check out or website or phone us for more information. 

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