Gardening Jobs for this week

Gardening Jobs for this week

Trim back Hydrangea Paniculata. The beautiful heads of this plant are quite heavy and as the Autumn winds increase there is a risk that the shoots may split at the bottom of the plant. Only remove the flower heads, leaving the bare stems up through winter. This protects the crown of the plant and hard pruning-back is done in the Spring once the worst of the frosts have passed. The removed flower heads can be dried and used in floral displays indoors.


As Autumn progresses and leaves are falling, collect them up to make leaf mould which makes and excellent mulch of can be added to multi-purpose compost to improve it. Collect the leaves into a bin liner, seal up and prick with a few holes. Leave for a year in  a cool shady place. Alternatively, make a chicken wire cage to keep them tidied away.

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